‘The Wire’ Premieres On Max

‘The Wire’ tells the story of a single drugs-and-murder police investigation from the point of view of both the police – ‘The Law’ and their targets – ‘The Street’. As episodes unfold, a probe by Baltimore homicide and narcotics detectives results in a complex sprawl of wiretaps and surveillances, revealing a universe in which the national war on drugs has become a permanent, self-sustaining bureaucracy, and distinctions between good and evil are routinely obliterated. The ensemble cast is headed by Dominic West, who plays James McNulty, a homicide detective who makes the apparent mistake of telling a city judge that a string of murders has gone unpunished because a local drug gang has routinely intimidated witnesses in the courtroom. With no real interest in the case, the department assembles a ragtag detail of detectives to pursue the drug gang. Most of the detectives are content to tread water until they can get back to their normal activities, but McNulty finds an ally in Narcotics Detective Shakima Greggs, played by Sonja Sohn. They in turn must rely on their supervisor, Lieutenant Cedric Daniels, played by Lance Reddick, to navigate the political situation of an apathetic police department. On ‘The Street’, Larry Gilliard, Jr. stars as young mid-level dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale, who has beaten a murder rap with the help of the brutal crew headed by his uncle, Avon Barksdale, played by Wood Harris. Idris Elba stars as Stringer Bell, Avon's savvy lieutenant, who manages the day-to-day operations of an organisation that controls the heroin and cocaine trade in several housing projects. Catch the entire season one of this HBO Original Series from 14 May at 10pm on MAX (Astro Channel 412). Two new episodes premiere back-to-back every Thursday at 10pm with encores every Sunday at 8pm.

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